Welcome to the P&P Innovative Software website.

P&P Innovative Software, Inc. is an engineering software development company specializing in providing Windows-based application software for the design and operating requirements of the Chemical and Environmental Engineering industries.

We invite you to browse our website for a description of our products and services, to find answers to frequently asked questions, or to request further information about our products.

PRDesign   Our Windows XP software package that does emergency pressure relief system design and handles single and two-phase relief system and associated piping.
Thermoflash   Our Windows XP software package that performs thermodynamic equilibrium calculations and determines thermal and transport property values for pure component and mixture systems.
2-phase   Our Windows XP software package that performs process-plant piping calculations for two-phase flow conditions. 2-F Flow™ performs flow-pattern calculations and rating of existing lines.

P&P Innovative Software, Inc.
Voice 303-730-8065
Postal PO Box 2977, Littleton, CO 80161
Email sales@ppisi.com or info@ppisi.com
Technical Support support@ppisi.com
Comments about the website? webmaster@ppisi.com

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